At the Lab, fifth graders delve more deeply into foundational concepts in science, and students begin to make connections between past and present learning. Students continue to develop scientific skills and processes as they pose questions and predict outcomes. They plan and conduct investigations, collect and analyze data, construct explanations, and communicate information about the natural world. All while having fun!
Daytime Activities
Animal Lab: Students observe native Virginia animal ambassadors up close! They may have the opportunity to hold a snake, feed a turtle or learn more about other lab animals.
Stream Study: Fifth graders have the opportunity to conduct a field investigation of the living organisms in the stream areas onsite. They will capture and identify macroinvertebrates, such as crayfish, salamanders and caddisfly larva or other creatures living in the stream or pond areas.
Geology/Rocks: Fifth grade students have the opportunity to learn about the geology of Virginia and identify rocks found in our natural site, as well as examples of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
Hikes: Students have the opportunity to participate in short day hikes to explore the flora and fauna of our site, while identifying natural and invasive elements of our forest.
Site Exploration: Fifth grade students enjoy exploring the pond area with opportunity for boating, fishing and exploring during their program.

Overnight Trip to the Outdoor Lab
Often one of the most memorable field trips for Arlington students is the fifth-grade overnight option. On the overnight, students spend two full school days exploring and discovering the natural world of the Outdoor Lab.
Night Hike: One of the most unforgettable experiences on the fifth-grade overnight is the night hike. The hike begins with a lesson about nocturnal animals and our sensory responses to the dark, particularly sight. Along the way we might listen for animal sounds, observe the night sky, or try experiments using our night vision. The night hike usually ends with a campfire before kids head to bed.
Parent Chaperones for Overnights
Parent chaperones make the overnights possible and enable the students to have a once in a lifetime experience!
For more details checkout this video: